Custom Inlays & Onlays
in Jefferson City, MO

Cavities are never fun, but they are a common dental issue. In addition to tooth-colored dental fillings, our office also provides custom inlays and onlays, which are durable, long-lasting dental restorations that tend to fit better, especially in uniquely shaped areas like the grooves of the molars. Interested in learning more or scheduling a visit with our team? Please contact us!

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What are inlays and onlays?

Inlays and onlays are custom-made dental restorations used to repair moderately damaged or decayed teeth. Inlays fit within the grooves of a tooth’s chewing surface, restoring areas between the cusps. Onlays, also known as partial crowns, extend over one or more cusps or the entire biting surface. Both are made from durable materials such as porcelain or composite resin. They are bonded to the tooth, providing a strong, stable, and aesthetically pleasing restoration that preserves much of the natural tooth structure.

How are inlays and onlays placed?

Inlays and onlays are placed through a two-step process. First, our team removes the decayed or damaged part of the tooth and cleans the area. Then, an impression of the tooth is taken to design a custom restoration in an off-site lab. A temporary filling may be placed to protect the tooth in the meantime. During the second visit, the temporary filling is removed, and the custom-made inlay or onlay is checked for fit and color. Once perfected, it is bonded to the tooth using a strong dental adhesive, ensuring a secure and precise fit.

What is the difference between a dental inlay and a dental onlay?

The main difference between an inlay and an onlay is the coverage they provide. A dental inlay works well in cases where decay has developed in the grooves of the molar, restoring damage within the cusps on the chewing surface. An onlay covers the entire biting surface, and it is used in cases where decay has spread or caused damage to the top of the tooth. It’s nearly impossible for patients to determine which option they need on their own, which is why consulting with an experienced Jefferson City dentist is your best option.

Do I need an inlay, onlay, filling, or crown?

Your choice of dental restoration typically depends on the extent and location of tooth damage. A filling is suitable for small cavities or minor damage. An inlay is used for more extensive decay within the cusps, while an onlay is chosen if the damage includes one or more cusps. A crown is necessary when the tooth is severely damaged or weakened, covering the entire visible portion. Our team will assess your specific situation and recommend the most appropriate treatment to restore your specific tooth’s function and appearance.

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see what our patients are saying

"This was the best experience with a dentist I've ever had. I had an implant done and was expecting a lot of pain. I had no pain at all. It was so refreshing to have a dentist who cares about his patients. I highly recommend Dr. Orme and his staff at Southwest Dental Care."

- Sheryl B.

"I'm the kind of person who likes a real explanation of what's happening, even if I don't really understand half of it. Dr. Orme went the extra mile to explain everything in a casual and personable way without "dumbing it down". The office space is modern and fresh, and the staff is welcoming and characterful."

- John D.

"I worked with Dr. Orme in the Dominican Republic recently on a humanitarian trip. I watched him work hard every day at making the people feel good, creating an experience, as well as teaching those around him. He makes patients and co-workers feel good. He's positive, very upbeat, and I would recommend him strongly!!"

- Spencer C.

"He is the best dentist I have ever been to. He listens and only does what you want done without pressure. Very informative without the lecture. Dr. Orme and his staff are very friendly."

- Matthew H.