CEREC® Same-Day Dental Crowns
in Jefferson City, MO
When a patient needs a dental crown, many dental offices will reshape the tooth, take impressions, and then place a temporary crown while the permanent crown is made in a lab. With CEREC dental crowns, patients can have their entire treatment taken care of in one convenient visit—no temporary crowns required! To learn more about our same-day dental crown services or schedule an appointment, please contact our office!
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What are dental crowns used for?
Dental crowns are placed over teeth for a variety of reasons, including:
- Tooth weakened by decay or trauma
- Severely worn down or misshapen tooth
- Placed post-root canal treatment for support
- Used to hold a tooth together
- Placed on a dental implant

How are dental crowns made and placed in one day?
Your visit will begin with a local anesthetic being administered into the gums near the tooth to completely numb the area. Next, the tooth is reshaped and prepared to have a crown fitted over it, after which a digital impression is taken with a handheld scanner. This information is sent to our onsite milling machine, which designs and creates custom dental crowns in less than an hour. Our team is then able to place the CEREC crown over your tooth and make any modifications to ensure that it fits well and blends in seamlessly.

How long do dental crowns last?
Dental crowns can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years, especially if they are treated well. To help your CEREC dental crown last for as long as possible, we recommend practicing good oral hygiene at home and visiting our office for regular dental exams and cleanings. Dental crowns don’t come with any food restrictions, but you should avoid using your crown to chew things like ice and hard candy and using it to tear open packages. We will let you know when it is time to replace your crown, and we will be happy to create and place a new crown for you.
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