How to Adjust to Your New Implants or Veneers
June 14, 2022 4:25 pmThough they serve different purposes, dental implants and veneers are both permanent dental treatments. We use dental implants to replace missing teeth while veneers are a cosmetic treatment. Adjusting to them can take a little time. Here’s what to know:
Dental implants
Implants require oral surgery. We place a titanium screw into your jawbone, where it fuses over the next few months. After you’ve healed, we top the implant with an artificial tooth, like a crown or implant-supported dentures. Depending on how long you’ve been missing teeth, speaking comfortably with new teeth in your mouth can take some time. For most people, it takes about three weeks before it feels natural. To practice, read out loud to yourself if you feel self-conscious. You’ll need to eat soft foods for a while after surgery, but if you still feel some soreness after the placement of your artificial teeth, you can keep eating softer foods until your mouth adjusts.
Veneers are wafer-thin porcelain shells adhered to the front of your teeth. We remove a little bit of enamel from your teeth first, which is why veneers are permanent. After the procedure, you may notice some tooth sensitivity or changes in how your bite feels. Most people get used to the feel of veneers in 2-3 weeks. You should continue your normal oral hygiene routine. To deal with sensitivity, you can use toothpaste for sensitive teeth and drink lukewarm beverages. Veneers are very strong, but they can still chip, so it’s best to avoid biting into very hard, crunchy foods with your front teeth.
Implants & Veneers at Southwest Dental Care in Jefferson City, MO
Implants and veneers change your smile in big ways, so it can take a little time to get used to them. Once you’ve gone through the dental implant process, adjustment can take a few weeks. It’s the same with veneers, though the procedure itself is shorter. If you have any questions about either of these treatments or want to schedule a consultation with Dr. Orme, please contact us today!
Categorised in: Dental Implants, Oral Health, Porcelain Veneers